Bagel Recall as Warning Issued Over Potentially Fatal Products

A Michigan delicatessen has issued a recall of three subs and two types of breakfast bagels it produces as they "were distributed in packaging that did not reveal the presence of sesame," the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said in an alert on Thursday.

Gaws Gourmet Foods, based in Marysville, which sits on the U.S.-Canada border to the northeast of Detroit, said the five varieties of sandwiches had been distributed to retail stores and bars in southeastern Michigan. Online reviews suggest they are a provider for other delicatessens and gas stations.

"People who have an allergy or sensitivity to sesame run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products," the FDA warned.

A spokesperson for Gaws Gourmet Foods told Newsweek that an estimated 1,557 eight-inch subs and 260 bagels were subject to the recall.

"We have notified 100 percent of our retailers of the undeclared sesame allergen recall and have quarantined or removed all known recalled items," they said.

Sesame allergy is the ninth most common adverse food reaction among children and adults in the U.S., according to a 2019 study, with around 0.23 percent of the population suffering from an erroneous immune response when they ingest them.

Severe instances of the allergic response can include anaphylaxis, difficulty breathing, a swelling throat, vomiting and dizziness. These cases are usually treated with an injection of adrenaline.

Weaker forms of the allergy can lead to hives, swelling—usually around the face—an itchy throat and diarrhea.

According to the alert, Gaw's Ham & Cheddar and Salami & Cheese breakfast bagels are among the products affected. Its Deluxe Italian, Classic Italian, and Ham and Cheese subs are also under the recall.

The products were distributed in clear plastic wrapping and had expiry dates ranging from the Tuesday just gone to December 15. Consumers with faulty items can return them for a full refund.

The FDA said the recall was initiated after the company discovered the packaging did not state they contained sesame, with an investigation finding "the problem was caused by a breakdown in the company's labeling process."

It added that production of the products had been suspended "until FDA and the company are certain that the problem has been corrected" but that no cases of illness had been reported in connection with the issue.

The sandwich recall is the latest product recall due to mislabelling of an allergen. Last week, 2,048 trays of chocolate brownies were recalled from 14 states due to the undeclared presence of peanuts, while a few days earlier, a nationwide supermarket brand recalled a batch of egg custard pies because some of the packages may have contained a coconut pie instead.

Update 12/04/23, 9:13 a.m. ET: This article was updated to include comment from a spokesperson for Gaws Gourmet Foods.

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